GMT introduces Export Service

GMT is by far the largest inbound logistics service provider of Nigeria. Our clients expect us to come up with innovative solutions that can be used in the challenging environment of Nigeria. That also means trying to work within the current restraints of the infrastructure as efficiently as possible.
Therefore, we have revised our supply chain and logistics structure in order to utilize our transport even more efficiently. GMT is now the only service provider who can link it’s import to your export. Export is still quite complicated due to the Nigerian regulations and the contracts that clients have with shipping lines. GMT can facilitate this whole process for our clients, based on our volumes, having our own fleet of trucks and our extensive experience in the Nigerian market.
The objective is that GMT will be able to marry our import containers with your export volumes; ensuring reduction in shipping line demurrage on import containers and creating more resources for your export without overpaying for transport.
Interested?? Please reach out to our export expert.
Aamer Hussain